- Do your homework on the company, its past,its present, and its goals for the future.
- Know the position, particularly the primary responsibilities and what is expected.
- Fill out all applications neatly.
- Be enthusiastic about the position and the company, and respond positively to questions.
- Stress your successes and achievements;when asked about negative experiences,talk about what you learned from them.
- Remain positive about your current or previous job and your reasons for leaving.
- The number one rule when dressing for an interview is to look neat and clean.
- Be realistic in your expectations and remember that most companies will make a fair and consistent offer.
- 搜集有關招聘公司的服務範圍,工作性質及需求
- 緊記及弄清楚面試時間,地點及形式
- 帶齊有關學歷證明文件,推薦書之正本,方便對方查閱
- 誰都想希望知道你對工作的期望,你過去的工作經驗,面試前最好先想一想
- 弄清楚面試人員的名稱,身份
- 衣著必須整齊清潔,不要太花巧,要切合申請之職位需要
- 不要擅自隨便坐下,大方,自然最重要,稱呼對方時,“先生,小姐 ”不可少
- 面試過程中,盡量保持從容態度,表現要自然大方,否則無謂的緊張只會帶來失常的表現
- 在接受職位前,要清楚了解薪酬,褔利,職責範圍等,切勿沒清楚情況下簽了僱員合約