Excellent Brand of Human Resources Consultancy
Besteam Personnel has won Excellent Brand of Human Resources Consultancy in Hong Kong Leader’s Choice, in recognition of our quality and reliable staff recruitment services, as well as its dedication to outstanding performance to entrepreneurs.
合眾人事顧問有限公司榮獲由新城財經台連同一眾傑出領袖, 商界名人及各大工商企業選為「香港企業領袖品牌」之【卓越招聘顧問服務品牌 (Excellent Brand of Human Resources Consultancy) 】殊榮, 是次頒獎禮邀請了五位來自政界、商界、金融界和學術界的知名人士擔任評審,連同新城財經台的代表及2千多間企業的領袖參與投票, 證明合眾人事顧問的卓越表現得到各界肯定, 為本港首間職業介紹顧問公司獲得這獎項殊榮。